Home Improvement

Quick and Easy Ways to Keep Your Patio Clean

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Patio maintenance is one of those responsibilities that can sneak up and overwhelm you with a lot of work if you’re not careful. Not to worry—the steps to a vibrant patio are easy enough that anyone can do it. In this article, you’ll get the full rundown of how you can revive your patio and keep it in tip-top shape.

Get Organized

First things first, clear off everything on your patio. Trying to sweep or weed out the area with furniture or toys in your way will just make it more time-consuming. So, if you’ve got kids, here’s an easy job you can give them that will make your job much easier.


The actual cleaning part of this process is the brunt of the work that will be done. These are the items you’ll need to clean periodically if you want to have a sparkling patio.

The first step for cleaning any type of patio surface is sweeping and rinsing. A pressure washer is ideal if you have one. If not, a garden hose will do just fine. If you’re curious about the best kind of patio cleaner, then the professionals over at whatshed.co.uk have got you covered. Whatever you do, be sure that the cleaner you choose is the rightful option for your patio type.


After you’ve swept and rinsed, then you’ll want to give it a little love with some degreaser and enzyme cleaner to remove dark stains from the grill. It would also help to use some dish soap afterward for all those stubborn stains. Use a tough bristled brush to scrub it.


Wood does not quite withstand the wrath of mother nature year-round as well as a concrete surface does, so you should clean her up at least once a year. Keep your wooden deck pristine using oxygen and bleach, an environmentally friendly cleaning option that will loosen up all that dried dirt and grime without murdering your plants. Mix that with some warm water, scrub-a-dub-dub, and voila! Clean as a whistle.


A stone patio is cleaned the same way as a concrete one. If you’ve got mold on it, then apply some oxygen bleach and give it a good scrub down until it’s faded enough not to bother you anymore.

Patio Furniture

The patio furniture has the power to make your little deck into a comfortable, outdoor oasis where everyone goes to chill out—or it can be a massive eyesore that even the dog won’t want to sit on. Make sure, whatever furniture you choose, that it’s durable and that you take steps to care for it. Store cushions when they’re not in use, and always tilt the furniture after a rain so that the water can runoff.

With a spray bottle, spot clean dirty spots with dish soap and water. A soft-bristled, upholstery brush is the ideal tool to use to scrub those stains away. Use a spray bottle with just water afterward to rinse, squeeze as much of the water out as possible, and then finally, leave them in the sun to dry.

Windows and Glass Tables

An easy cleaning remedy for windows and glass furniture is a combination of water (1.5 cups), vinegar (1.5 cups), and essential oil (10 drops). Mix it all together and give it a good spritz and rub down with either a lint-free rag or a balled-up newspaper.

Fire Pit and Grill

If your fire pit runs off propane or natural gas, then clean it according to the manufacturer’s directions. Clear out the ashes and wipe them down if it’s wood-burning.

As for the grill, you can clean it and its accessories with baking soda and lemon juice. 

Flower Pots

Old soil and dead plants tend to attract bugs. Clean out all the leftover soil and use oxygen bleach or vinegar with baking soda to kill any insects that have taken refuge in it. Wear a pair of rubber gloves for this to keep the chemicals from getting on your skin. 


Always pull weeds from the root whenever you see them, as they spread like wildfire. You can also spray them with vinegar or pour some boiling water over them. Watch out for your other plants though.


Specialty patio sealing will cure any cracks and crevices in your patio where weeds might be growing. Clear out the weed as aforementioned, and then find a patio sealer that matches the type of stone your patio has. Always check the manufacturer’s directions to make sure you’ve chosen the right one for your patio surface.


Here are a few quick and dirty tips for how you can maintain that patio perfection after you’ve cleaned it.


It’s a good rule of thumb to keep a spray bottle and soft-bristled brush handy for when spills happen. A quick spray and a scrub will keep the stain from really sinking in and drying into the fabric.

Close the Umbrella

Always close umbrellas when they’re not in use. This will keep it from collecting dirt and debris, or even worse, blowing over in a rainstorm. If you find your umbrella has blackened with mold or mildew, then clean it with soap and water and make sure you dry it out in the sun before storing it again.

Blow or Sweep Debris

If you have a blower, then use it to clear off the debris on a weekly or monthly basis depending on how much of it collects over a period of time. A bristle brush broom will work just fine if you don’t have a blower. It’s an easy job you can give to the kiddos to do one or two times a month.

Quick Pick-Up

We live in a pretty fast-paced society these days, and cleaning responsibilities, especially those on the exterior of the house, can really build up until it seems like too much of a job to finish in a couple of minutes. But you would actually be surprised at how much you can get done in ten minutes. A quick pick-up of toys, weeds, and other things you find littering your patio could really make a difference.

If you can take care of these chores, your patio will be on its way to be the envy of the neighborhood. Bear in mind that if you take care of a few things here and a few things there, it will keep the workload and time consumption to a minimum.

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