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5 Clever Gardening Tricks You Might Not Know

5 clever gardening tricks you might not know

When you decide that gardening could be the right thing for you, then you will probably be eager to start your next project right away. Imagining yourself working around the garden is nice and all, but when the time comes to actually do the work, you might find yourself a bit confused and puzzled with all the things that you should or shouldn’t do. If you are just getting started with your first gardening endeavor, then you are bound to have a lot of questions on your mind.

There are so many things that need to be done one way or another and then there are so many things that need to be avoided. All of that could be a bit overwhelming for a beginner. Even seasoned gardeners often need to brush up on their knowledge or learn new tricks in order to make their plants thrive. Simply put, everybody needs some clever and useful gardening tricks and that’s exactly what you are going to get right now.

So, if you are worried that your project will be a flop, here’s what you should do. Instead of simply fretting about it and then proceeding to doing things randomly, you need to get at least a few clever tricks that will help you turn that plot of the land you have in mind into a beautiful, flourishing garden. You can get some of those tricks from this useful source and you can also read on to get some more of those. The more – the merrier.

No Need For Fresh Seeds Every Year

It’s not uncommon for people to think that they need to buy fresh seeds every year. While it’s okay to do that, the truth is that seeds can be rather expensive and that there actually might be a way for you to save some money by not buying those every year. In case you have heard about germination before, then you probably know what I am talking about. While this might sound like you are required to do more work than you were planning, it will definitely be worth it, especially if you are planting some expensive seeds.

Here’s how it goes. I’m pretty sure that you have a few packages of older seeds stored away somewhere, because we all buy extra seeds just in case, don’t we? Instead of throwing those away and wasting them, you should pre-germinate them and then only proceed to planting the seeds that germinate. This might require a bit more time, but at least you won’t be wasting your money, because germination tells you exactly which particular seeds will grow and which ones need to be replaced.

gardening trick - pre-germinate older seeds

Take Your Geographic Location Into Consideration

It would be great if we could all just grow whatever we wanted and whenever we wanted, but nature is a bit more complicated than that. You might be tempted to buy some exotic seeds without checking if those will actually be successful in your particular geographic area. That’s a wrong move right there and it certainly leads to a lot of losses money-wise. Not to mention the disappointment of failing in your project.

All of this can be avoided if you just take the time to research which plants and flowers can actually succeed in your geographical location. Here’s something important that I have to tell you. No matter how tempted you are to get some of the seeds that clearly won’t succeed in your area under the excuse that you just might be the one that will make you work, don’t do that. You’re fighting nature here and the truth is that nature always wins.

Here are some more clever tips that might come in handy: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alannaokun/insanely-clever-gardening-tricks

Mulch Is Necessary

What most people fail to realize is the necessity of regularly adding mulch to the soil. This is an extremely useful trick that most seasoned gardeners won’t fail to remember, though. So, if you want to get the best out of your project and brag with your skills and your successes, then you definitely need to remember adding mulch. Its purpose is not only to help you brag, though.

Mulch can significantly reduce the necessity for weeding, watering, as well as fertilizing. These three things definitely require time, effort and money, meaning that mulch can help you save up on all of those. I’m sure that you will jump on the opportunity to save money but, more importantly, you’ll definitely jump on the opportunity to reduce the time necessary for weeding, since that is a pretty time-consuming and frustrating job.

gardening trick - mulch is necessary

Hoses Are Important

I assume that you already know how important watering is for every single gardening project. Plants cannot succeed without getting the moisture they need and it is your responsibility to provide them with that moisture. That is, unless you want to witness them dying and I suppose that you don’t. While you do understand the importance of watering, do you understand the importance of choosing the right hose?

Getting low-quality products will not only make your watering more difficult and less successful, but it will also require you to buy new equipment rather frequently, which is certainly not what you want. There’s no need to waste money on poor-quality equipment, though, when you can easily find top gardening hoses on the market and choose the one that will serve you for many years to come and help you succeed in the whole project. So, make sure to choose the right hose.

How can you be sure that you are choosing right, however? Well, this requires you to do some research and some digging. The first thing you should do is talk to other gardening enthusiasts around you because they might have some valuable tips to share in connection to the choice of the hose. In addition to that, do some online research about these products and don’t forget to read some product reviews so that you can check out which hoses have which features and which ones deserve your attention. This will save you from wasting your money on inadequate equipment.

Prevent Insect Damage

Plants and flowers have a lot of enemies and insects are definitely among the most damaging ones. While you cannot exactly succeed in completely getting rid of all the insects in the world, there are a few things you can do in order to prevent those pests from damaging your seeds. For starters, you should refrain from watering your garden during the night, because that will certainly attract some of those annoying visitors that you are actually trying to get rid of. That’s the first step towards protecting the plants, but it’s definitely not the only one.

In addition to avoiding watering during the night, there is one more significant thing that you can do so as to stop the insects from hurting your precious flowers and all the seeds that you have planted. I’m talking about covering your beds with light row covers. This will certainly play a huge part in helping your seeds avoid the attacks of those pestering insects that can cause a lot of damage. So, remember, covering is extremely useful.

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