
5 Tips to Help Your Home Stay Storm Proof


It seems like the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane season is fighting to be one for the record books as experts have now estimated almost twice the amount of named storms to occur this year. That could signal a lot of storm damage for homeowners, especially if they aren’t prepared. Because the Atlantic storm season usually starts mid-August and runs until the end of October, now is the time to take a look at the exterior of your home and find ways to ensure it stays storm proof this season.

Brown Bare Tree
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With 19-25 storms predicted, you want to ensure your house is as prepared as it can possibly be. So, here are five tips that will help you do just that.

Look for Weak and Downed Tree Limbs

The first step is to take a look at any trees you have on your property, watching for any weak or downed tree limbs. In a storm, these limbs can be tossed about and cause serious damage. You will also want to watch for any large branches that overhang or hang close to your home, especially your roof. Imagine if they were to come down what their path of destruction would be. It could make sense to cut them back now.

Do a Visual Ground Inspection of Your Roof

Storms are notorious for heavy and strong winds, so your roof will ultimately take a real beating during the season. Do a visual ground inspection of the roof to ensure you don’t see any missing shingles or bare patches, or anything that appears loose. Curling shingles are also another red flag, as this means the roof is losing its integrity.

As mentions, you may want to look into architectural shingles which are thicker and weigh just about 50% more than the typical three tab shingle.

Are Your Windows Secure? Make Sure There Are No Leaks

Leaking windows can also cause havoc during a storm, especially since water damage can quickly escalate into massive issues in the home. This is a good time to check the caulking/sealant around the windows to ensure it’s in good shape and isn’t cracked, chipped, or missing.

Give the Gutters and Downspouts a Good Cleaning

Speaking of water damage, gutters and downspouts are notorious for getting backed up with leaves and debris, especially after a storm. When they are clogged, water can no longer drain off the roof and flow away from the foundation properly, and then cause water damage. Keep in mind that you may need to clean your gutters after each storm depending on how strong the storm was.

Tarp Up Outdoor Equipment

If you have any outdoor furniture such as a table and chair, your barbecue, and other such items, it can also be wise to tarp them and secure them to the ground with ropes and bricks. This will prevent them from being tossed around.

A Little Bit of Preparation Goes a Long Way

So, while it may seem beautiful and summer-like at the moment, for those who live in areas that are affected by the Atlantic storm season, it’s best to take this time to prepare and think ahead.

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