
5 Tips to Sell Your House Fast

If you’ve been affected by the economic downturn brought on by the pandemic you might be looking to downsize to a home more suitable to your current circumstances. While not exactly desirable, downsizing can be a financial godsend, the lifeline you need to avoid repossession and bankruptcy.

But it’s not always easy to find the buyer you need to get the downsizing process started. You may not be the only one looking to downsize, which means there could be many properties on the market all at once. In such a situation you need to make sure your property stands out. Here are 5 expert tips on how to sell your house fast in a challenging market:

  • Lawns, Hedges, & Driveways

The front garden and/or driveway will be the first thing a potential buyer sees when coming to view your property. Make sure the area is neat and tidy by mowing and edging the lawn, trimming hedges, cutting away any overgrown plants, raking the gravel, and clearing away any toys, tools, or other bits and bobs that have been left lying around.

2. Frames & Potted Plants

Once complete, take a good look at your home’s window frames, the front door frame, and the front door its self. There is a good chance they could do with a fresh coat of paint or varnish. While this job can take a while, it will transform the exterior of your house giving a positive first impression to buyers.

As a finishing touch, consider buying some potted plants to place around the front door, especially if your front garden lacks colour and vitality.

3. Make Space

To sell your home fast you’ll want to show it at its best. In today’s property market one aspect of this is demonstrating how spacious your property is. Pack away excess stuff before any viewings take place: remove the mountain of jackets from the hanger by the front door, sort out all those piles of papers and magazines on the coffee table, and put away the kids toys.

If your cupboards and other storage areas are full consider putting things into storage. Buyers will also want to get an idea of how large a storage area is and that is hard to do if you can’t make out where it ends.

4.  Family Photos

To give buyers the chance to imagine themselves living in your house it’s a good idea to remove any really personal items. This includes family photos on the mantel, little Lisa’s crayon drawing that’s pinned to the fridge, and those pictures of your wedding day up in the bedroom.

Leaving these personal items in place can make buyers feel like they are guests in someone else’s home, whereas you want to them to feel like they have just entered their own home.

5. Lighting

Good lighting is essential to compliment your space-making efforts. A well lit room will appear spacious and inviting so be sure to open the curtains fully for daytime viewings and have the lights turned on in rooms that don’t receive much natural light.

If you are accepting viewings in the evening you’ll want to take a different approach; close the curtains and turn on low lighting to give a cosy, homely atmosphere.

Now Sell your House

Following these 5 expert tips will give you a decent chance of selling your house fast. Doing so will put you a step ahead of the vast majority of the competition and ensure potential buyers leave a viewing with a great impression of your property. 

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