Home Improvement

6 Methods to Purify the Air in Your Entire Household

Methods to Purify the Air in Your Entire Household

It would be forgivable to believe that we can shut our doors at home and keep the pollution outside. Sadly, this is not the case. Research suggests that our air is two to five times more polluted indoors than out. When there is pollen in the air, it’s bad for hayfever sufferers. When people have respiratory conditions such as asthma, dust mites, and mold spores can be a real challenge.

Added to that are issues over household cleaners and air fresheners, pollutants and contaminants, asbestos, and tobacco smoke. Fortunately, there are a number of different ways we can address the problem. Some are inexpensive, whilst others will be more costly. We will now take a close look at six options for purifying the air in your home.

1.   Humidifiers And Air Purifiers

Air humidifiers can provide a host of health benefits. They can protect us from influenza and dry skin conditions. They are even good for our house plants and furniture. Without them, we may suffer from such symptoms as sinus headaches, dry throats, and coughs. We may also experience irritated eyes, nose bleeds, cracked lips, and breathing difficulties.

Air purifiers are also an effective tool within the home. It’s been suggested that classrooms need portable versions with HEPA filters to help fight Covid-19. Different models excel in different areas, such as tackling pet dander or odors, bacteria, or allergens. Be sure to check the appliance will not be too loud for your room. Also, be certain it can cope with the room size required.

Whilst these appliances can be purchased separately, it can save money buying a combined unit. Once it’s been installed, the air will be clean and moist rather than dry. When people are researching a purifier and humidifier in one they often visit specialist websites. This would be to access product reviews and to compare prices. They also want to know about such things as the noise levels, dimensions, and weight of the appliances.

2.   Be Choosy With Your Cleaning Products

Most people buy these on a regular basis. They can be anything from aerosol sprays and washing-up liquid to detergents and bleaches. Most homes also use oven cleaners, furniture polish, and rug cleaners. It’s easy to opt for the leading brands when shopping, and people are often lured by the fragrances advertised. Sadly, many commercial brands are high in air pollutants. It’s best to go for fragrance-free products. Also, look for ‘low VOC’ or ‘no VOC’ cleaning materials. They will have reduced or zero volatile organic compounds within them.

It’s advisable to research more natural ingredients. Many people involve such things as baking soda or white vinegar with their cleaning tasks. Others use club soda or hydrogen peroxide.

Houseplants acting as natural air purifiers

3.   Buy Some Houseplants

Not only do they brighten up a room, but research shows they can reduce our stress levels too. Houseplants also rejuvenate the air by acting as natural air purifiers. Research confirms that there will be fewer spores and dust present within a room containing plants and foliage. This is because harmful airborne particles and allergens get caught by the leaves. Plants can protect us from such harmful elements as benzene or ammonia.

The secret is to place them strategically around the home, near the windows. Have one plant for every 100 square feet. There’s a wide range from which to choose. Two top air purifiers are Peace Lilies and Lady Palms. Others include Weeping Figs, Snake Plants, Spider Plants, Aloe Vera, Boston Ferns, and English Ivy. Don’t choose plants that contain spores or pollen.

There are also other ways to use beautiful fragrances to enhance the air quality. Check out beeswax candles and essential oils.

4.   Install And Use Fans

These electrical devices will help carry the pollutants away from your home. Most bathrooms are fitted with exhaust (extractor) fans. They are essential because the room will be regularly damp, full of steam and condensation. If the humidity level is kept below 50%, the room will be shielded from such things as mold and mildew. Use the fan every time you take a shower or bath.

The air inside your kitchen will regularly contain harmful pollutants. Use a fan whenever cooking occurs, as this is a major contributor to home air pollution, especially when using gas stoves. The EPA says that by cooking a single meal on a gas stove, harmful levels of nitrogen dioxide will be released into the air. An exhaust fan will help keep these levels within safe limits.

Ceiling fans are also beneficial, especially during the summer. They will help keep the rooms cool and well circulated.

5.   Regularly Do The Housework

When people do the dusting with a damp cloth, they will be tackling such things as dust mites. They will also be reducing the number of pollutants that can become airborne.

Hoover the carpets, rugs, furniture, and drapes at least once a week. Use a HEPA filter for the most efficient cleaning. Don’t forget to wash the linen and to always take off your shoes when entering the home. Shoes can transport such things as dirt, pollen, dust mites, fungal spores, and pesticides.

6.   Improve Your Ventilation

This will stop the rooms from becoming stuffy (which is bad for our lungs), reduce the moisture levels, and tackle unpleasant odors. When we open our windows, pollutants are able to come indoors. For this purpose, it’s advisable to use trickle vents. They act as an additional air filter when placed over the windows.

Make sure all your vents are open and not clogged up. Should this occur, your HVAC system would be impaired, and stuffy air would be unable to exit. Some people use whole-home ventilation systems. They keep the air circulating by operating inside the air ducts.

When all these things have been put in place, your home will feel fresh and airy. There may be beautiful fragrances around the house, and the health of everyone will be protected. We spend much of our time at home, so it is key that we don’t cut corners in this area.

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