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Asbestos Newcastle – Health Risks Concerning Asbestos

Health Risks Concerning Asbestos

Have you ever wondered what materials make our homes durable? Of course, one of the primary materials in building a house would be cement. However, are we fully aware of the cement’s contents and all the other components used to make structures? I believe that most of us have a lot to learn, and today we’ll start with asbestos. It happens to be a popular component used worldwide, but it also has its wrong sides.

What Is Asbestos?

It is most commonly known as a heat-resistant material used in stuff like cement, floorings, roofing, and fireproofing products. Asbestos is a fibrous silicate mineral made of flexible fibers. It’s also resistant to electricity, which makes it pretty useful to us; check out this link https://www.webmd.com/lung/asbestos-exposure. This would be the reason why it’s usually used in building materials. Despite all its good qualities, it can also be highly toxic.

Before we jump into its health risks, here is more information about asbestos. It’s also useful in making certain products stronger. That’s why it’s usually used as an insulator for paper, plastic, cloth, cement, and many others. We think that it’s such a great help in producing the stuff we need.

Health Risks

Inhaling this mineral can cause various health problems such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Of course, the asbestos fibers won’t affect you right away. However, there comes a time when you need to remove it and replace it with some alternatives. Those affected by these health problems have probably been exposed to it for a long time already. Not to mention that it gets more difficult because the symptoms can only be identified after 20-30 years.

All of us happen to breathe these fibers in our daily lives when we go out. Yes, we can say that it’s airborne, but these small amounts won’t cause the said health risks. It’s normal that’s it’s in the air we inhale every day, but if we’re exposed to it even in our homes, it might be time to remove it. There’s a certain time when you have to replace or remove the fibers in a building. It is said that it won’t cause such health problems if it’s in good condition or if left undisturbed.

Although asbestos isn’t used much nowadays, it can still be found in older buildings or homes. Most of the time, people tend to renovate older homes that they purchase. At the same time, some are currently living in those types of houses. Older structures tend to have high levels of asbestos fibers. Considering the many years it has been there, it can be pretty toxic.

professional asbestos removal

It’s recommended to keep it undisturbed until you hire some professionals to remove it. Of course, it’s important to not deal with the matter yourself if you’re not skilled enough to do it. It can be very dangerous, and you might inhale too much. There are proper ways to remove asbestos, and all you need to do is hire some professionals. You can also have them replace it with some safer alternatives.

Why You Should Consider A Removal

Asbestos is proven to be present in most homes worldwide. It was a useful building material used in the construction of houses up until the 1970s. Later on, it was said to be a toxic substance that can harm those who inhale such high levels. Most people like to ensure their safety and wouldn’t think twice about getting it removed. Moreover, if you plan to renovate a property or demolish a building, inspection or removal may be required.

You can also try to contact some professionals to avoid harming yourself. Additionally, this would save you so much time and worry. To keep it simple and convenient, you can book a team and learn more about it online and make your home a safe place. We can all agree that nobody wants asbestos. Why not ensure your safety today?

Other reasons for you to remove this substance are the fatal health conditions you might face later on. Yes, it’s pretty harmful, and as I said before, it can cause lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. If you’re unaware of how dangerous these conditions are, then keep on reading.

Lung Cancer

As the name states, this type of cancer starts in the lungs. When the cells inside our body get out of hand, it causes cancer. The terrible thing about cancer is that it’s capable of spreading to other organs. However, when cancer cells continue to apply to one organ after another, it becomes a new health condition called metastases.

What Causes Lung Cancer?

One of the most common causes would be smoking or secondhand smoke. It could also be genetic if you have a family history of lung cancer. Another reason would be exposure to carcinogens and asbestos. Lastly, it could come from exposure to radon gas and radiation therapy.


Since the toxic substance can affect us through inhalation, it will most likely damage our lungs. Asbestosis is known as a chronic lung disease caused by the substance’s fibers. Like I have mentioned before, the symptoms won’t be detected immediately. It usually takes years after the first exposure. The disease causes shortness of breath, and the symptoms can be either mild or severe.

Most of the time, those who were affected by this disease got it from work. Research shows that those who work in mining, milling, or removal companies are most likely to acquire this disease. Not to mention that smoking or secondhand smoke may increase the effects of asbestosis.


This disease would be one of the most deadly forms of cancer, according to research. It usually happens in a thin layer of tissue responsible for covering most of our internal organs. Mesothelioma affects the tissue around our lungs most of the time. However, this type of cancer is separated into several classifications. The one that affects the tissue around our lungs is called Pleural Mesothelioma.

Causes Of Mesothelioma The primary cause of this type of cancer is also asbestos. Being exposed to it is a high-risk factor. That’s why you should avoid it to keep yourself safe.

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