Home Improvement

Chompers: Experts of Tree Removal Service

Experts of Tree Removal Service

Yard maintenance is a time-consuming process for many people. However, some just can’t ignore the overgrowth of shrubs, grasses, and trees. Another thing is that a well-kept lawn can be a pride of the homeowners, and it provides aesthetic value to your property.

This is why it makes sense to call the experts if you need a tree removal service. The professionals from Chompers can do this safely and expertly. They have the right skills, tools, and knowledge to take care of this dangerous and complex job. Here are other reasons why you should consider calling the experts.

Saves a Lot of your Time and Money

You may be thinking that you’re essentially saving a few dollars by cutting the trees yourself. However, if you don’t have enough experience in these kinds of jobs, penny-pinching will be hazardous for you. Some don’t have the right equipment, and it’s not wise to spend money on expensive axes and chainsaws if you’re going to use them once every five years. On the other hand, if you’re using unsharpened tools or even the wrong ones, it will take a lot of time before getting the job done.


One of the reasons why you need professional tree cutters is for your own safety. You won’t need to climb on higher oak or cedar trees and carry a heavy tool while you’re on it. Climbing alone is hazardous and tricky, and you might need a harness and protective gear to keep you safe.

Falling can be fatal, and you may have to spend more on hospital bills and medication. Leaving everything to the experts will give you peace of mind that they will get the job done, and you won’t have to expose yourself to dangerous situations. Read more about the process of cutting down trees in this link here.

Cleaning after the Tree Removal

It’s hard and time-consuming to do some cutting on the barks, branches, and leaves. Everything is a mess, and some homeowners may become overwhelmed with the process. On the other hand, professionals will do the post-removal cleaning with their team, and you will have a clean yard afterwards. Others will even volunteer to take the tree with them if you don’t use the logs. They can set up bins, and their hauling services will take care of the trash, and you wouldn’t have to do anything.

Care for Other Trees and Plants

You may have fuchsias and hyacinths that you don’t want to be disturbed when removing some trees in your backyard, or you have pear or cherry trees that you want to be left alone. Know that the experts will try their best not to hurt the nearby bushes and flowers, and they will only focus on the overgrowth trees. They have plans in place to ensure that the nearby plants are protected before working on the targeted tree.

Common Reasons for Tree Removal

Common Reasons for Tree Removal

They are Already Dead

Every homeowner hates to see a dead oak or elm in their backyards. This might be sad, but this may be the case if an area has experienced storms. Once your favorite conifers have died, there’s nothing left to do but to get rid of them.

It’s necessary to do the removal process because as time goes by, their bases weaken. They lose their strengths, and they can be hazardous during strong winds or snowstorms. They can do extensive damages to nearby houses, vehicles, and people. More about their dangers here: https://homeguides.sfgate.com/dangers-dead-tree-40235.html.


A disease is common in many older trees, and they are one of the major causes of their deaths. Sometimes, you wouldn’t know that there’s an infection until the damage becomes visible and irreversible. There’s even an infestation of emerald ash in Indiana, and many of them died because of these pests.

If you have diseased ones in your yard, it might be the right time to evaluate them and get them the treatments they need before everything is too late. If they can’t be saved, the best course of action is immediate removal done by experts so you can avoid their eventual weakening. Getting rid of them means that they won’t also infect the other ones in the area.

What to Look for in Hiring the Experts

hiring tree removal experts

If you’ve decided that you need to remove a particular tree in your backyard, it’s now time to call the pros. Hiring experts in tree removal services can help you save time and energy. They know what to do, and they can get the job done in just a few hours. However, there are a lot of companies offering these kinds of services out there. Here are some tips that may help you in the selection process.

1. Does the Company have a Certified Arborist on Duty?

Arborists are specially trained in providing care for trees. You need one certified by the International Society of Arboriculture, and they can help you decide whether the ones in your backyard need to be removed or they can still be saved. They are experts who have undergone years of training in this field, and you can rely on their advice to make wiser decisions.

2. Do the Workers have Proof of Insurance Coverage?

Insurance is a must, especially in jobs where the contractors are working in a high place. Some of the branches may fall off on nearby homes, which can cost you a lot of money that you might not have. Insurance covers all the damages and even medical costs when the workers get injured while doing the job.

It’s also essential to look for a specific company that is compliant with the safety standards of OSHA as well as the regulations that are put in place by the Department of Transportation. Aside from the safety precautions and other basics, each state has its rules about underground sewer lines that may get uprooted and the use of heavy equipment. A licensed and legitimate company knows all of these things, and they usually have general liability insurance just in case. They can cover your home, their workers, and their businesses whenever there’s a need.

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