Home Improvement

Home DIY Tasks to do while Quarantined

quality house painting

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a considerable effect on life around the world. If there can be any silver lining, though, it means a lot of people are at home with plenty of time on their hands. What that means is you’ve got a great opportunity to do some of those DIY projects you’ve been putting off for years.

You can choose to tackle small or large projects depending on how motivated you are, but it’s a great way to kill some time and improve your home. Here are a few tasks you can get stuck into if you find you’re going mad from boredom being stuck at home!

Painting Your Walls

Almost nothing changes the internal appearance of a home more than giving the walls a fresh coat of paint. If your walls are marked, damaged or just don’t have the colour you like, why not give them a spruce-up?

When painting your walls, the first step is to make sure you’ve got all of your tools ready. Painter’s tape, rollers, paint trays, and even some tools to do those troublesome edges. When you’re ready to go, it’s just a matter of choosing a colour. Many people choose warm, neutral colours to make the most of natural light. However, if you’re looking at a feature wall or a kid’s room, you might like to go much brighter!

Fixing Your Home’s Insulation

If you’re painting the walls, this is the perfect time for fixing your home insulation. Getting insulation into your wall cavities is nearly impossible unless you’re pulling plasterboard down and replacing it. However, there is a less invasive way. You can opt for blow-in insulation, which only requires cutting a few small holes in the wall. Simply patch up the holes, and you’re ready to do the painting you already had planned.

While you’re at it, why not take the opportunity to install new ceiling insulation too? Getting access to your roof cavity is much easier, and you can significantly improve comfort levels in your home with fresh, new insulation throughout.

Spring Cleaning

It may not be spring, but quarantine is perhaps the best excuse we’ve had in years to do a good cleanout. With plenty of days at your disposal, you don’t even need to make it into an enormous task. Just do one room, or even one storage space each day. Pick a cupboard, commit to getting rid of everything you don’t need anymore, and start making a pile of things to either sell or donate.

Not only will you remove a whole heap of clutter from your home, but the money you make selling old items could go towards other DIY projects. Even better, your donated goods might help some people who are really doing it tough.

Get Your Garden in Shape

We’re moving into the cooler months so it may not be the ideal time to go planting up a storm, but what a great time to get your garden ready for spring. There are so many smaller outdoor tasks that you’ve probably been putting off. Maybe building that long-awaited veggie garden, or re-doing your garden beds with weed matting. That way, everything will be ready for you to bring the garden to life in spring.

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