
Tips for Choosing the Best Shower Heads That Save On The Water Bill

best shower heads

Taking a hot shower is the ideal way of eliminating all the muscle tension and stress after an exhausting day. However, in order to further improve your showering experience, you are supposed to choose the right showerhead.

Although it may seem surprising, these small parts are actually affecting your relaxation under the shower as well as your monthly water bill. Most homeowners end up paying high bills, solely due to the high flow rate of their showerheads.

Therefore, the best alternative for saving on your bills while still enjoying your showers is purchasing a low flow head. It is capable of reducing the amount of water while keeping the optimal pressure.

The following tips will make sure you purchase the best one on the market.

Choose a type

When purchasing a water-saving showerhead, you are basically provided with two types to choose from, the handheld or the fixed type. The former one has a hose attached to it, thus enabling you to move it around as you see fit. Therefore, it’s more convenient for thorough cleaning.

The latter one, as its name implies, is fixed to a wall in your bathroom, solely allowing you to change the water direction, but not move it around. Consequently, it has to be installed on the right spot, as otherwise, it won’t be convenient to use.

However, in case you have trouble deciding which type is more suitable for your needs, you can purchase a model with two heads. Choosing between the handheld and the fixed head would no longer be a problem, as your low flow showerhead will have them both.

Check the water flow rate

The water flow rate is an indispensable feature to consider when purchasing a showerhead, as it is related to the quantity of water pouring through the head. Therefore, when trying to reduce costs, you’re supposed to look for a model with a low flow rate.

Anyhow, low flow models are the perfect alternative, as they provide solid pressure, but don’t use as much water as the standard ones. In fact, every product is supposed to contain information on its flow rate. Make sure the one you buy uses no more than two and a half gallons per minute.

Nevertheless, if you are experiencing a problem with low pressure in the entire household, look for a high-pressure model in order to really enjoy your showers. Visit this page for some useful tips on measuring water pressure.

shower head water flow

Choose spray patters

Water-saving showerheads provide customers with an extensive range of spray patterns, suitable for everyone’s preferences. Most models are armed with several spray patters while others provide only one.

For instance, among the most popular spray patterns is the shower massage, which is ideal when feeling tense. Similarly, the rain pattern is also beneficial for calming your exhausted and stressed body, as you’ll feel like standing in the rain. On the other hand, the power spray pattern is excellent for taking quick showers, particularly in the morning before work.

Bear in mind that the more spray patterns the model has, the higher the price. Therefore, purchase a showerhead with your favorites, instead of choosing one with a bunch of unnecessary patterns. Also, don’t trust vendors whose products offer an unrealistic number of spray patters, as most of them have no more than five.

Consider the design and features

In terms of design and features, you’ll be definitely overwhelmed by the number of models, as they come in various sizes, being made from different materials. Additionally, they are equipped with a number of features that contribute to a greater enjoyment of your showering experience.

For example, you could choose a variant with lights or speakers, if you want to sing and listen to music while showering. This is certainly a feature a lot of homeowners would prefer their showerheads to have. Also, some models are equipped with pause buttons that you can press every time you need the water to stop pouring.

shower head design and features

However, these features come at a price. Purchasing a product with all of these convenient and fun features would cost you a lot more than buying a standard one. Make sure you pay closer attention to the design and material, as features aren’t essential for having a good showering experience. Therefore, check out some of the best water saving shower heads on the market, prior to making any decision.

Calculate your budget

The price range of low flow showerheads is quite extensive, depending on their material, design, and additional features. There are numerous basic models, available for an affordable price. However, if you are looking for a top-notch variant, be prepared to spend a larger portion of your budget.

In addition, bear in mind that purchasing a water-saving variant is far more cost-efficient than buying a standard one. Actually, low flow showerheads should be considered as an investment, since you’ll save on your water bill every month. Your annual savings will be much higher than the price you paid for the product.

Check warranty

Most of these products come with a warranty that varies among different manufacturers. Its duration is most commonly determined in accordance with the material. Anyhow, make sure you purchase a product with a warranty of at least ten years. Do not trust manufacturers offering only a few years of the guarantee period, as it indicates bad quality.

On the other hand, there are some manufacturers who provide their customers with a lifetime warranty for their products. Such warranties are only provided by reputable brands, whose products have already proven to be of top-notch quality.

Moreover, they tend to cost more than the ones with a ten-year guarantee but are certainly worth the investment. Thus, you’ll have the peace of mind that if the product gets damaged, you’ll have it replaced free of charge.

Wrap up

Purchasing the best model means choosing the right material, design, spray patterns, and features. Make a smart choice!

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